File-based module architecture for PHP with:
- Automatic parameter validation
- Highly dense unit testing, integrated by default
- Automatic benchmarking and documentation
One-time initialization:
define(ENGINE_ROOT, 'path/to/engines');
Calling an engine file:
$str_hour = call('temporal', 'hourNumberToString', [
'numeric_hour' => 2330,
'noonAndMidnight' => true,
echo $str_hour; // "11:30 pm"
$str_hour = call('temporal', 'hourNumberToString', [
'numeric_hour' => 'WHOOPS!',
// E_USER_ERROR: invalid parameter "numeric_hour" in /temporal/hourNumberToString (expected non-negative int)
Example parameter types:
'1-6 char string'
'venue id'
'positive int'
echo engineDetails('event', 'get');
/* output: [
location => "/engines/event/get.php"
description => "Retrieve a single event from the database",
parameters => [
id => [
type => "positive int",
required => true,
default => null,
ignoreLinks => [
type => "bool",
required => false,
default => false,
userId => [
type => "user id",
required => false,
default => null,
echo engineResults('temporal', 'hourNumberToString');
/* output: [
tests => [
single => [
total => 12,
passing => 12,
cases => [ ... ],
full => [
total => 7,
passing => 5,
cases => [ ... ],
performance => [
ms_maxDuration => 54.843,
kb_maxMemory => 368.539,
// /engines/temporal/monthNumberToString
if ($desc) return <<<'DESC'
Provide consistent site-wide month/date formats for our app
month as int, starting in January 2010
style as one of several predefined letters
human-readable month string
if ($init) { return [
[ 'name' => 'numeric_month', 'type' => 'int', 'required' => true, 'default' => null ],
[ 'name' => 'style', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => false, 'default' => 'a' ],
]; }
if ($test) { return [
'single' => [
'numeric_month' => [
'safe' => 3, // March
'pass' => [ 1, 9, 12 ], // [ January, September, December ],
'fail' => [ 0, 13, 25, -2, [] ],
'style' => [
'safe' => 'a',
'pass' => [ 'b', 'c' ],
'fail' => [ 'foo', 12, null, [] ],
'full' => [
[ 'input' => ['numeric_month' => 1], 'output' => 'January 2010' ],
[ 'input' => ['numeric_month' => 60], 'output' => 'December 2014' ],
[ 'input' => ['numeric_month' => 61], 'output' => 'January 2015' ],
[ 'input' => ['numeric_month' => 66], 'output' => 'June 2015' ],
[ 'input' => ['numeric_month' => 60, 'short' => true], 'output' => "Dec '14" ],
[ 'input' => ['numeric_month' => 61, 'short' => true], 'output' => "Jan '15" ],
]; }
/* convert monthNum to month and year */ if (true) {
$monthOfTheYear = ($numeric_month - 1) % 12 + 1;
$yearNum = 2010 + ($numeric_month - $monthOfTheYear) / 12;
if ('a' === $style) { // November 2014 (default)
return date('F', mktime(0, 0, 0, $monthOfTheYear, 10)) . ' ' . $yearNum;
} else if ('b' === $style) { // Nov '14
return date('M', mktime(0, 0, 0, $monthOfTheYear, 10)) . " '" . substr($yearNum, -2);
} else if ('c' === $style) { // 2014-11
return $yearNum . '-' . str_pad($monthOfTheYear, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
} else {
trigger_error('unrecognized style code');