Run the following command to install conky:
sudo apt install conky-all
Create the config file:
conky -C > ~/Documents/conky.config
Create the conky folder in the home directory:
mkdir ~/.config/conky
Replace the content of the created config file with the content from this file "You can use any text editor to copy the content"
Copy the file to the conky folder in your home directory:
cp -v ~/Documents/conky.config ~/.config/conky
Adjust the hardware configuration according to your settings
Network adapter parameter "Replace enp6s0 with the name of your network adapter". Run the below command to find the name of your network adapter:
sudo ifconfig
Processor "Replace Broadcom BCM2835 QuadCore ARMv8 with the name of your processor"
The number of your CPU cores, run the following command to find out how many cores is your CPU:
Temp sensor. You can run this command to find out how many sensors you have:
ls /sys/class/hwmon
- Then this command to find the name of each sensor "Make sure to change the number after hwmon to check all your sensors":
sudo cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon4/name
Copy the ./lua-scripts/vcgencmd-funcs.lua file into directory your user has proper privileges against, and then update the following ./conky.conf line with your path accordingly:
lua_load = '/etc/conky/lua-scripts/vcgencmd-funcs.lua',
Create an auto start item for conky to load once system is started
Enjoy :-) - And many thanks to @moabdrabou for all the effort to provide the great foundation I had the pleasure of creating this fork from!