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alwinm edited this page Jan 21, 2023 · 12 revisions

General + Hydro

Cholla supports restarting a simulation from a checkpoint. The default full grid output serves as a checkpoint for hydro builds (amend this statement if/when particles, MHD, etc. restarts are supported).

Currently, Cholla requires that the restart has the same number of processes as the original simulation, and will expect to read the raw un-concatenated output files with filenames [indir][nfile].h5.[rank], where [indir] is the directory path holding the output files to be read, time = [nfile] * outstep , and [rank] is the MPI rank id. Note that [indir] should end with a slash (/) and may be a relative path. In summary, a restart requires the input file parameters [indir] and [nfile], and requires the correct number of requested ranks when submitting the job.

Loading hydro is governed by this section of code

Example restart using command line override (no change to input file needed) to continue a run where it left off, assuming you can predict nfile:

./bin/cholla input_file.txt # original run
./bin/cholla input_file.txt init=Read_Grid indir=./dirname/ outdir=./dirname/ nfile=4 # 


Expects [indir][nfile]_particles.h5.[rank]

Loading particles is governed by this section of code

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