No labels!
There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.
A change that changes the API or breaks backward compatibility for users.
Inconsistencies or issues which will cause a problem for users or implementors.
Pull request includes changesets information
One or more commits introduces changes to the build process or auxiliary tools and libraries
Pull requests created by dependabot
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Pull requests that update a dependency
Pull requests that update a dev dependency
Combined with multi-labeler prevents PR from being merged
Solely about the documentation of the project.
One or more commits introduces a new feature to the codebase
One or more commits patches a bug in the codebase
Pull requests that update GitHub Actions code
Pull requests that update GitHub Actions code
Pull requests that update Python code
One or more commits introduces changes to formatting, missing semi colons, etc; no code change
You can’t perform that action at this time.