List component that displays the items from collection (data source) by using special column objects. Displaying objects list is one of the most common tasks in web applications and probably the easiest one, so you could ask how this component can help you?
FSi DataGrid Component allows you to create one action that handle display all kind of lists in your application without duplicating code. It can be very useful in all kind of admin panel generators.
The sample code shows more than a thousand words so lets start!
Before you can display data you need to add columns into DataGrid component.
Columns pull data from objects using DataMappers
(They will be described later).
Imagine a situation where we need to display a list of news. List must contains such information as:
- News ID
- News Title
- Author Name, Surname and email
- Publication Date
- Some basic actions like edit and delete
So we should get a table similar to the following:
Id | News title | Author | Publication date | Actions |
1 | First News | Norbert Orzechowicz [email protected] | 2012.05.01 15:13:52 | Edit Delete |
2 | Second News | Norbert Orzechowicz [email protected] | 2012.05.06 15:13:52 | Edit Delete |
And here is our News object.
namespace FSi\SiteBundle\Entity\News;
class News
* @var integer
protected $id;
* @var string
protected $title;
* @var string
protected $author_name;
* @var string
protected $author_surname;
* @var string
protected $author_email;
* @var DateTime
protected $publication_date;
public function getId()
return $this->id;
public function getTitle()
return $this->title;
public function getAuthorName()
return $this->author_name;
public function getAuthorSurname()
return $this->author_surname;
public function getAuthorEmail()
return $this->author_email;
public function getPublicationDate()
return $this->publication_date;
Here we should have setters
public function setTitle($title)
public function setAuthorName($name)
Suppose that we use Doctrine ORM and we can get a list of objects as follows:
$data = $this->getEntityManager()->getRepository('FSi\SiteBundle\Entity\News')->findAll();
So if we have data we need to build grid and pass data into it.
We assume that datagrid.factory is a service with DataGridFactory object instance. More about creating DataGridFactory and loading columns into it will be described later.
$grid = $this->get('datagrid.factory')->createDataGrid();
DataGrid::addColumn($name, $type = 'text', $options = array());
$grid->addColumn('id', 'number', array('label' => 'Id'))
->addColumn('title', 'text', array('label' => 'News Title'))
->addColumn('author', 'text', array(
'mapping_fields' => array(
'glue' => '<br/>',
'label' => 'Author'
->addColumn('publication', 'datetime', array(
'mapping_fields' => array('publication_date'),
'format' => 'Y.m.d H:i:s',
'label' => 'Author'
->addColumn('action', 'action', array(
'label' => 'Actions',
'mapping_fields' => array('id'),
'actions' => array(
'edit' => array(
'anchor' => 'Edit',
'route_name' => '_edit_news',
'parameters' => array('id' => 'id'),
'delete' => array(
'anchor' => 'Delete',
'route_name' => '_delete_news',
'parameters' => array('id' => 'id'),
Ok, so now when we have grid its time to create view. This can be done by calling DataGrid::CreateView()
$view = $gird->createView();
$view is DataGridView
object that implements \SeekableIterator
, \Countable
and \ArrayAccess
interfaces so have easy access to each row in view.
Every single row in view must be DataGridRowView
object that also implements
, \Countable
and \ArrayAccess
interfaces so you have
access to each column in row.
And the last view part, column is an object with methods like getAttribute
and few other that will help you to build perfect view.
Here is a simple view implementation:
<?php foreach ($view->getColumns() as $column):?>
<td><?php echo $column->getLabel(); ?></td>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php foreach ($view as $row) :?>
<?php foreach ($row as $column):?>
<?php if ($column->getType() == 'action'): ?>
<?php foreach ($column->getValue() as $link): ?>
<a href="<?php echo $link['url']; ?>"><?php echo $link['anchor']; ?></a>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php else: ?>
<?php echo $column->getValue(); ?>
<?php endif;?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
Heads up! There is a difference between using getColumns method at view and direct array access.
$columns = $view->getColumns();
foreach ($columns as $column) {
// this will give you access to ``HeaderView`` object.
echo $column->getLabel();
// this will give you access to ``CellView`` object.
$cell = $view['name'];
echo $cell->getValue();
This section will describe how to add datagrid into your project.
First thing is to get DataGrid sources, we recommend you to use composer
After that you need to do a couple of things to create DataGridFactory
finally allows you to create DataGrid
Here are sample scenarios of component usage:
You can also add fsi/datagrid
into composer.json and run composer.phar update
or composer.phar install
"require": {
"fsi/datagrid": "0.9.*"
Install PHPUnit 3.5.11. To run tests for DataGrid you should install dev packages and run tests with commands:
$ php composer.phar install --dev
$ phpunit -c tests
Extensions are something that makes DataGrid component extremely flexible, they are highly inspired by SymfonyForm extensions.
There are two kinds of extensions.
- DataGrid Extension
- DataGrid Column Extensions
DataGrid Extension are used to provide new column types, event subscribers even additional options for existing column types.
DataGrid Column Extensions purpose is to add new functionality to existing column types.
Each DataGrid Column Extension must be loaded by DataGrid Extension. Loading extension into DataGrid is nothing more than registering it in DataGridFactory.
(You can find documentation for some of these extensions in doc/en/extensions
- Core
- SymfonyForm
- SymfonyDependencyInjection
- Docrtine
- Gedmo
(You can find documentation for types in doc/en/columns
- text
- boolean
- number
- money
- datetime
- action
- entity
- tree