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Releases: chilipeppr/serial-port-json-server

Serial Port JSON Server

27 Jul 11:00
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Installing on Raspberry Pi:

  • Do a wget from the command line
  • Then gzip -d serial-port-json-server-1.96_linux_arm.tar.gz
  • Then tar -xvf serial-port-json-server-1.96_linux_arm.tar
  • Then cd serial-port-json-server-1.96_linux_arm
  • Then chmod 777 serial-port-json-server to make sure it's executable
  • Then sudo ./serial-port-json-server -createstartupscript
  • Then run sudo /etc/init.d/serial-port-json-server start
  • You will now have SPJS (Serial Port JSON Server) start automatically on boot of your Raspberry Pi
  • You can now go back to ChiliPeppr and scan for hosts and your desktop computer should find SPJS on your network.

Changes in 1.96

  • Compiled with go 1.12 to fix stability connecting/disconnecting from serial ports without them getting locked up at the OS level. When USB cables are pulled out, spjs would tend to have a hard time reconnecting, but the latest build handles things cleaner and thus connects/reconnects are much more reliable.

A server for the Internet of Things. Lets you serve up serial ports to websockets so you can write front-end apps for your IoT devices in the browser.

Serial Port JSON Server

27 Nov 06:32
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Installing on Raspberry Pi:

  • Do a wget serial-port-json-server-1.95_linux_arm.tar.gz from the command line
  • Then gzid -d serial-port-json-server-1.95_linux_arm.tar.gz
  • Then tar -xvf serial-port-json-server-1.95_linux_arm.tar.gz
  • Then cd serial-port-json-server-1.95_linux_arm
  • Then sudo ./serial-port-json-server -createstartupscript
  • Then run sudo /etc/init.d/serial-port-json-server start
  • You will now have SPJS (Serial Port JSON Server) start automatically on boot of your Raspberry Pi
  • You can now go back to ChiliPeppr and scan for hosts and your desktop computer should find SPJS on your network.

Changes in 1.95

  • Added better TCP server module to Cayenn to support ESP8266 and ESP32 sending tcp messages into SPJS to regurgitate to browser, i.e. back up to ChiliPeppr. Prior to this only UDP messages were being handled gracefully.
  • Made logging turn off later to see more info on startup of what ports SPJS is running on
  • Added a better error output when address port already in use to help folks who do not realize they may be trying to run SPJS a 2nd time
  • Added ability to turn off Cayenn UDP/TCP server
  • Added ability to run -createstartupscript on Linux to create an /etc/init.d launcher for auto-start of SPJS on boot

Serial Port JSON Server

17 Jan 17:32
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Grbl buffer flow adding the following strings jumping the buffer to front of line. "[!~?]|(\u0018)|[\u0080-\u00FF]"
TinyG G2 buffer max changed to 250 from 100.
Added TCP server for Cayenn.
Added mutex lock in serial port opening to alleviate some deadlocking on opening of ports.

Serial Port JSON Server

15 Jan 18:48
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Release has new Cayenn commands including cayenn-sendudp and cayenn-sendtcp. SPJS now also listens for incoming UDP and TCP packets to regurgitate them back to the browser.

Fixes a bug in 1.92 with spinning CPU consumption.

Serial Port JSON Server

24 Apr 04:51
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A server for the Internet of Things. Lets you serve up serial ports to websockets so you can write front-end apps for your IoT devices in the browser.

New in 1.92

  • HTTPS and WSS support courtesy of Stewart Allen. Sample cert and key provided in release zip/tar file. Copy sample files to cert.pem and key.pem to have SPJS enable HTTPS/WSS support or use command line parameters of -scert mycert.pem -skey mykey.pem to specify files.
  • Added fix for opening 2nd or more serial ports where there was a block opening an additional port

Serial Port JSON Server

24 Apr 04:21
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A server for the Internet of Things. Lets you serve up serial ports to websockets so you can write front-end apps for your IoT devices in the browser.

Serial Port JSON Server

22 Mar 00:47
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A server for the Internet of Things. Lets you serve up serial ports to websockets so you can write front-end apps for your IoT devices in the browser.

Serial Port JSON Server

02 Feb 17:09
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A server for the Internet of Things. Lets you serve up serial ports to websockets so you can write front-end apps for your IoT devices in the browser.

Serial Port JSON Server

15 Jan 21:57
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A server for the Internet of Things. Lets you serve up serial ports to websockets so you can write front-end apps for your IoT devices in the browser.