A wrapper around Multiplatform Datastore to expose easy to use API to store and retrieve key value pairs.
class TestDataStore(
context: Any? = null,
path: String? = null
): AbstractPreferenceDataStore(PREFERENCE_NAME, context = context, path = path) {
fun getTestString(): Flow<String?> {
return getAsync(TEST_STRING_KEY)
suspend fun setTestString(value: String) {
set(TEST_STRING_KEY, value)
companion object {
private const val PREFERENCE_NAME = "testPreference"
private val TEST_STRING_KEY = stringPreferencesKey("TEST_STRING")
Example usage of TestDataStore in a composable
fun Screen(testDataStore: TestDataStore) {
var preferenceValue by remember { mutableStateOf<String?>(null) }
val coroutineScope = remember {
LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
testDataStore.getTestString().collect {
preferenceValue = it
Column {
var text by remember { mutableStateOf("") }
value = text,
onValueChange = {
text = it
Button(onClick = {
coroutineScope.launch { testDataStore.setTestString(text) }
}) {
Text("Stored value: $preferenceValue")
You can specify the data store file location using, path variable
val testDataStore = remember { TestDataStore(path = "${System.getProperty("user.home")}/Library/Application Support/sdsadsad") }
Note: Either context or path in AbstractPreferenceDataStore is mandatory in Android. An exception is thrown is both are not set.