An operator to install, configure, and manage a kubernetes-image-puller deployment.
The kubernetes-image-puller creates daemonsets that will run a list of images on a cluster,
allowing Eclipse Che to start workspaces faster, because those images have been pre-pulled.
For more information about the kubernetes-image-puller, consult the kubernetes-image-puller
The operator provides a KubernetesImagePuller
custom resource definition (CRD) to install and configure a kubernetes-image-puller instance.
kind: KubernetesImagePuller
name: image-puller
deploymentName: kubernetes-image-puller # the name of the deployment the operator creates
configMapName: k8s-image-puller # the name of the configmap the operator creates
daemonsetName: k8s-image-puller # the name of subsequent daemonsets created by the kubernetes-image-puller
images: >- # the list of images to pre-pull;
cachingIntervalHours: '2' # number of hours between health checks
cachingMemoryRequest: '10Mi' # the memory request for each pre-pulled image
cachingMemoryLimit: '20Mi' # the memory limit for each pre-pulled image
nodeSelector: '{}' # node selector applied to pods created by the daemonset
Notice: starting from version 1.1.0, this operator requires the cert-manager operator for serving validating webhooks on Kubernetes clusters. This is not required for installation on OpenShift clusters. To install cert-manager on a Kubernetes cluster run:
kubectl apply --validate=false -f
Notice: to install operator using OperatorHub you need to have Kubernetes cluster with pre-installed OLM. You can install OLM on the cluster using operator-sdk "operator-sdk olm install". OLM is pre-installed On the Openshift clusters since version 4.2.
Open OperatorHub page Click install button and follow instructions. When operator pod will be ready click on link "View YAML Example" to get custom resource yaml(CR) in the bottom of the page. Store this yaml into file, edit with desired operator configuration and apply using:
$ kubect apply -f <CR-YAML-FILE>.yaml -n <IMAGE-PULLER-NAMESPACE>
Clone this project, checkout to desired release tag and type in the terminal:
$ make deploy
Customize custom resource yaml and apply it:
$ kubectl apply -f config/samples/che_v1alpha1_kubernetesimagepuller.yaml -n kubernetes-image-puller-operator
To uninstall operator use commands:
$ make undeploy
Install kubernetes-image-puller operator on the Kubernetes cluster(for example Minikube).
Install Kube Prometheus
Await while all pods in the monitoring
namespace are running.
You can expose Prometheus dashboard: or use ingresses for this purpose.
Provide more permissions for Prometheuse to watch metrics in the another namespaces:
kubectl patch clusterrole prometheus-k8s --type='json' -p='[
{"op": "add", "path": "/rules/0", "value": {"apiGroups": [""], "resources": ["services", "endpoints", "pods"], "verbs": ["get","list","watch"]}},
{"op": "add", "path": "/rules/0", "value": {"apiGroups": ["extensions"], "resources": ["ingresses"], "verbs": ["get","list","watch"]}},
{"op": "add", "path": "/rules/0", "value": {"apiGroups": [""], "resources": ["ingresses"], "verbs": ["get","list","watch"]}}
Configure Prometheus to find kubernetes-image-puller operator metrics by labels:
kubectl patch prometheus k8s -n monitoring --type='json' -p '[{ "op": "add",
"path": "/spec/serviceMonitorSelector", "value": {
"matchExpressions": [
"key": "name",
"operator": "In",
"values": [
Apply kubernetes-image-puller ServiceMonitor:
kubectl apply -f config/prometheus/monitor.yaml
Open Prometheus dashboard and type in the "Expression" input:
Click Execute
button. Metrics logs should appear in the "Table" tab. Also you can check monitoring targets: click Status and Targets in the dropdown.
- Go >=
- Operator SDK
Run the VSCode task Compile code
or use the terminal:
$ make compile
Run the VSCode task Run unit tests
or use the terminal:
$ make test
Run the VSCode task Format code
or use the terminal:
$ make fmt
This project uses Go modules and doesn't use a vendor folder. Run the VSCode task: Update dependencies
or use the terminal:
$ go mod tidy
$ make bundle
$ make docker-build docker-push IMG=<CUSTOM_IMAGE>
$ make docker-build docker-push IMG=<CUSTOM_IMAGE>
$ make deploy IMG=<CUSTOM_IMAGE>
$ kubectl apply -f config/samples/che_v1alpha1_kubernetesimagepuller.yaml -n kubernetes-image-puller-operator
To uninstall the operator:
$ make undeploy
$ make bundle
$ bundle/
$ kubectl apply -f config/samples/che_v1alpha1_kubernetesimagepuller.yaml -n kubernetes-image-puller-operator
A quirk of this project is that while the repository is named kubernetes-image-puller-operator
the operator bundle on OperatorHub is named kubernetes-imagepuller-operator
his was caused by the previous version of OLM deployment that required a Application.
Run Release Kubernetes Image Puller operator
GitHub action to release a new bundle.
Then, to see these changes on OperatorHub:
- Fork and clone the
repositories. - Copy a new bundle into the
./ <RELEASE_VERSION> --prepare-community-operators-update --community-operators-repository-dir <PROJECT_DIR>/community-operators-prod
./ <RELEASE_VERSION> --prepare-community-operators-update --community-operators-repository-dir <PROJECT_DIR>/community-operators
- Copy
to thekubernetes-imagepuller-operator
folder of those repositories. - Open two separate pull requests to
repositories. Examples of the PRs:
"Che" is a trademark of the Eclipse Foundation.