py-mstr is a python package to connect and interact with MicroStrategy intelligence server. The code interacts with a MicroStrategy Webservices Task Processing API. Endpoint is generally http://hostname/MicroStrategy/asp/TaskProc.aspx?
Its features include:
- View folder contents
- List the elements of an
- Get an
based on anattribute_id
On a Report
- Execute a
with or withoutPrompts
- Get the
objects - Get the
objects that comprise the headers - Get the
objects for the columns of theReport
- Get the
objects for the columns of theReport
- Get the values for the rows of the
pip install py-mstr
First institiate the mstr_client object and establish connection:
from py_mstr import MstrClient
BASE_URL = '"'
USERNAME = 'johndoe'
PASSWORD = 'passhere'
PROJECT_NAME = 'MicroStrategy Tutorial Project'
# Establish connection
mstr_client = MstrClient(base_url=BASE_URL, username=MSTR_USERNAME, password=MSTR_PASSWORD, project_source=MSTR_PROJECT_SOURCE, project_name=MSTR_PROJECT_NAME)
except MstrClientException, e:
print e
To execute a report, get a report object from mstr_client, and execute with optional prompt answers:
# Get report object
report = mstr_client.get_report('481EC98441A518210472CB95B7B1734D')
# Populate prompt objects
attribute_state = mstr_client.get_attribute('A92CD58C4FAC38EF2672EE86B4A0E53D')
# Execute report with Element Prompt Answers
prompts = report.get_prompts()
answers = {}
for prompt in prompts:
answers[prompt] = ['value']
# Print out all headers. (note returns list of Attribute or Metric objects)
headers = report.get_headers()
for header in headers:
print header
# Get values
rows = report.get_values()
for row in rows:
print row # row will be a list of tuples of form (header, value)
except MstrReportException, e:
print e
refer to this post for type number meaning common number types: 3 - executable folder, 8 - folder, 10 - prompt
contents = mstr_client.get_folder_contents('parent_folder_guid')
for content in contents:
print 'guid: %s name: %s, type: %s, description: %s' % (content['guid'], content['name'],
content['type'], content['description'])
Refer to ReadTheDocs for in depth documentation
If you want to build the docs from within a virtualenv, and Sphinx is installed globally, use:
make html
- Check for open issues or open a fresh issue to start a discussion around a feature idea or a bug.
- Fork the py-mstr repository on Github to make your changes.
- Write tests to show the changes work as expected.
- Send a pull request to the maintainer. Add yourself to