This is the frontend application for Recipy. Recipy is a recipe management software that allows you to save your recipes and more.
Some classes are annotated with @freezed. When changing them the following command needs to be run to generate the corresponding *.feezed.dart file:
dart run build_runner build
If there is an error message like "Could not find a file named "pubspec.yaml" in "/Users//.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang..." the following could help troubleshoot:
rm -rf /Users/<username>/.pub-cache
flutter clean
dart pub get
flutter pub get
- Install the firebase_tools
npm install -g firebase-tools
- Make sure you are authenticated with google
firebase login
- Initialize the project
firebase init
- Deploy the currently build web app
Remember that you should have build the web app before running this (eg. with
flutter build web
firebase deploy
- To deploy a preview of the web app run
firebase hosting:channel:deploy preprod --expires 30d
- preprod is the name of the channel, it can be exchanged for anything to not override the current preprod channel
- 30d means 30 days and is currently to max time that can be set to expires