This Scala library is to protect against attack, typified by Brute-Force Attack.
Add the following to your sbt build (2.11.x, 2.12.x, 2.13.x).
resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("releases")
libraryDependencies += "com.chatwork" %% "akka-guard-http-typed" % <version>
or classic is
resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("releases")
libraryDependencies += "com.chatwork" %% "akka-guard-http" % <version>
First, decide the setting value of Service Attack Blocker.
import com.chatwork.akka.guard.typed.config.{ ExponentialBackoff, SABConfig}
import scala.concurrent.duration._
val sabConfig: SABConfig =
maxFailures = 5L,
failureDuration = 1 minute,
backoff = ExponentialBackoff(
minBackoff = 5 minutes,
maxBackoff = 1 hour,
randomFactor = 0.2
guardResetTimeout = Some(1 hour)
or classic is
import com.chatwork.akka.guard.{ ExponentialBackoff, SABConfig }
import scala.concurrent.duration._
val sabConfig: SABConfig =
maxFailures = 5L,
failureDuration = 1 minute,
backoff = ExponentialBackoff(
minBackoff = 5 minutes,
maxBackoff = 1 hour,
randomFactor = 0.2
guardResetTimeout = Some(1 hour)
Next, setting to ServiceAttackBlocker.
: If ServiceAttackBlocker is in the Open state, it will respond as a failed.isFailed
: which determines whether the response is unsuccessful or not.eventHandler
: Events in the Open and Closed states can be handled and used for log output, metrics, etc.
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{ HttpResponse, StatusCodes }
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.{ Directive0, RejectionHandler, RouteResult }
import com.chatwork.akka.guard.http.typed.ServiceAttackBlocker
import com.chatwork.akka.guard.http.typed.ServiceAttackBlockerDirectives._
import com.chatwork.akka.guard.typed.ID
import com.chatwork.akka.guard.typed.SABActor.SABStatus
import com.chatwork.akka.guard.typed.config.SABConfig
import scala.util.{ Success, Try }
private def rejectionHandler: RejectionHandler = ???
private val failedResponse: Try[ServiceAttackBlocker.R] = Success(
RouteResult.Complete(HttpResponse(status = StatusCodes.Forbidden))
private val isFailed: ServiceAttackBlocker.R => Boolean = {
case RouteResult.Complete(res) if res.status == StatusCodes.OK => false
case RouteResult.Rejected(rejections) => rejectionHandler(rejections).isDefined
case _ => true
private val eventHandler: Option[(ID, SABStatus) => Unit] =
case (id, SABStatus.Open) => println(s"$id is open.")
case (id, SABStatus.Closed) => println(s"$id is closed.")
def myServiceAttackBlocker(actorSystem: ActorSystem, sabConfig: SABConfig): String => Directive0 =
ServiceAttackBlocker(actorSystem, sabConfig)(failedResponse, isFailed, eventHandler)
or classic is
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{ HttpResponse, StatusCodes }
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.{ Directive0, RejectionHandler, RouteResult }
import com.chatwork.akka.guard.http.ServiceAttackBlocker
import com.chatwork.akka.guard.http.ServiceAttackBlockerDirectives._
import com.chatwork.akka.guard.{ ID, SABConfig, SABStatus }
import scala.util.{ Success, Try }
private def rejectionHandler: RejectionHandler = ???
private val failedResponse: Try[ServiceAttackBlocker.R] = Success(
RouteResult.Complete(HttpResponse(status = StatusCodes.Forbidden))
private val isFailed: ServiceAttackBlocker.R => Boolean = {
case RouteResult.Complete(res) if res.status == StatusCodes.OK => false
case RouteResult.Rejected(rejections) => rejectionHandler(rejections).isDefined
case _ => true
private val eventHandler: Option[(ID, SABStatus) => Unit] =
case (id, SABStatus.Open) => println(s"$id is open.")
case (id, SABStatus.Closed) => println(s"$id is closed.")
def myServiceAttackBlocker(actorSystem: ActorSystem, sabConfig: SABConfig): String => Directive0 =
ServiceAttackBlocker(actorSystem, sabConfig)(failedResponse, isFailed, eventHandler)
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Route
val route: Route =
extractActorSystem { system =>
path("login" / Segment) { id =>
myServiceAttackBlocker(system, sabConfig)(id) {