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Credential Keeping App Backend

NodeJS and MongoDB logos

This is a backend application for a Credential Keeping App, developed using MongoDB (mongoose), NodeJS, and TypeScript. The app has user and admin roles with the intention of adding more features in the future.


  • Node.js (v12 or later)
  • MongoDB


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Run npm install to install all the required dependencies
  3. Create a .env file in the root directory with the following environment variables:

Make sure to replace your-db-name and your-secret-key with your own values.

  1. Run npm run serve to start the development server



The app uses JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for user authentication. Upon successful login, the server returns a token that should be included in the headers of subsequent requests to protected routes. A user can also generate a strong password on demand using the API.


The app has two roles: user and admin. User accounts can view and manage their own credentials, while admin accounts have access to all credentials.

Credential Management

Users can create, read, update, and delete their own credentials. Admins have the ability to manage all credentials.

User account management

Users can register, login and change their passwords (admins will be able to change user passwords soon). A user will have to login again and request a new token right after changing his password

Client support platform

Soon the client will be able to submit tickets, which then admins can read, and update the ticket's status to resolved, in progress... etc. The client will be able to access all his tickets and view their status, as well as delete tickets only when their status is resolved.

API Endpoints [so far]

Method Endpoint Description Access
POST /api/auth/register Register a new user
POST /api/auth/login Log in with existing user credentials
GET /api/auth/whoami Get the person's role client, admin
PATCH /api/auth/changepassword Change user's password client, admin
POST /api/generatepassword Generate strong password client, admin
PATCH /api/auth/admin/changepassword Change ANY client's password admin
GET /api/mine?page=1&sort=-updated_At Signed in user gets his credentials client, admin
GET /api/[credential id] Get a single credential from ANY user admin
GET /api/all?page=1&sort=-updated_At Get ALL credentials admin
GET /api/credential?title=Gmail User can search among his credentials client, admin
POST /credential Create a new credential client, admin
PUT /api/[credential _id] Update an existing credential client, admin
DELETE /api/[credential _id] Delete an existing credential client, admin
POST /api/ticket User can submit a ticket client, admin
GET /api/ticket User can check his submitted tickets client, admin
GET /api/tickets/clients Admin checks submitted tickets admin
PATCH /api/ticket/:ticketId Admin can update a ticket's status admin
GET /api/auth/admin/all Admin can see all user accounts admin
PATCH /api/auth/ban/:userId Admin can ban / unban a user admin


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