Simple logger which dispatch messages to telegram in markdown format. Uses a separate thread for a dispatching. Support many chats. Support big messages (over 4096 chars). Support telegram API calls restrictions.
Install with:
pip install git+
Crate a telegram bot and get the access token, aka ACCESS_TOKEN_HTTP_API
Through the telegram app create a group and put yourself and and the bot as members. Then get the chat group id, aka GROUP_CHAT_ID. The group chat id is one of the negative integers:
import requests url = f"{ACCESS_TOKEN_HTTP_API}/getUpdates" print(requests.get(url).json())
Create a configuration file that defines the logger:
import logging from python_telegram_logger import TelegramHandler, MarkdownFormatter # Logging logger = logging.getLogger('') logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) th = TelegramHandler(<ACCESS_TOKEN_HTTP_API>, [<GROUP_CHAT_ID>]) th.setLevel(logging.ERROR) th.setFormatter(MarkdownFormatter()) logger.addHandler(th)
Create another file that uses the logger:
from configuration import logger def main(): try: raise Exception("some exception") except Exception: logger.exception("catch!") main()