bevm-erc20-factory is a Golang-based library that allows the deployment of ERC20 tokens by interacting with an Ethereum smart contract factory.
First, you need to install this library in your project. If you're using Go Modules, you can run:
go get
Create a .env file in the root directory of your project and add the following line to set your private key:
You also need to configure the network settings. You can edit the config.go file to suit your needs. For example:
package config
type Network struct {
RpcUrl string
FactoryContractAddress string
var BEVMTestnet = Network{
RpcUrl: "",
FactoryContractAddress: "0xYourTestnetFactoryContractAddress",
To use this library, first import it:
import ( "bevm-erc20-factory/factory" "" )
Then, you can create a new instance of ERC20Factory:
abi := "<your abi here>"
factoryAddr := common.HexToAddress("<factory contract address here>")
factory, err := factory.NewERC20Factory("<your rpc url here>", abi, factoryAddr)
if err != nil {
// handle error
Now, you can use this instance to create new ERC20 tokens:
name := "ABCD"
symbol := "ABCD"
protocol := "brc-20"
decimals := uint8(18)
owner := common.HexToAddress("<owner address here>")
admin := common.HexToAddress("<admin address here>")
newContractAddress, err := factory.CreateERC20(name, symbol, protocol, decimals, owner, admin)
if err != nil {
// handle error
In the above code, name
, symbol
, protocol
are the name, symbol, and protocol of your token. decimals
is the number of decimal places for your token. owner
and admin
are the owner and admin addresses for your token contract.
You can refer to the main.go file in the project repository for a more detailed usage example.
Make sure that you've correctly set up your .env file, and that your contract ABI and address are correct. If you encounter any issues, don't hesitate to ask.