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PUBG PC 5.7.6

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@cgcostume cgcostume released this 07 Jul 18:26
· 22 commits to master since this release

Height and normal maps of Erangel, Miramar, Range, Sanhok, and Vikendi of PC PUBG 5.7.6.
This comprises the scripts for semi-automated map extraction and the following stitched maps:

Map Heights Normals
Erangel 16bit heights, grayscale, single channel 2×8bit normals, rgb, r+g encode normal
Miramar 16bit heights, grayscale, single channel 2×8bit normals, rgb, r+g encode normal
Range 16bit heights, grayscale, single channel 2×8bit normals, rgb, r+g encode normal
Sanhok 16bit heights, grayscale, single channel 2×8bit normals, rgb, r+g encode normal
Vikendi 16bit heights, grayscale, single channel 2×8bit normals, rgb, r+g encode normal

Each map is provided in 8192² LOD0 for Erangel and Mirarmar, 6144² LOD0 for Vikendi, 4096² LOD0 for Range and Sanhok and 512² 8bit preview.