Welcome to craterpy (formerly ACERIM), your one-stop shop to crater data science in Python!
This package is in the alpha stage of development. You can direct any questions to Christian at [email protected]. Bug reports and feature requests can be opened as issues at the issue tracker on GitHub.
You can use craterpy to:
- work with tables of crater data in Python (using pandas),
- load and manipulate image data in Python (using gdal),
- easily extract, mask, filter, plot, and compute stats on craters located in your images.
A code-snippet and plot is worth a thousand words:
import pandas as pd from craterpy import dataset, stats df = pd.DataFrame({'Name': ["Orientale", "Langrenus", "Compton"], 'Lat': [-19.9, -8.86, 55.9], 'Lon': [-94.7, 61.0, 104.0], 'Rad': [147.0, 66.0, 82.3]}) moon = dataset.CraterpyDataset("moon.tif") stat_df = cs.ejecta_stats(df, moon, 4, ['mean', 'median', 'std'], plot=True)
New users should start with the IPython notebook tutorial for typical usage with examples.
Note: This package currently only accepts image data in simple-cylindrical (Plate Caree) projection. If your data is in another projection, please reproject it to simple-cylindrical before importing it with craterpy (check out GDAL). If you would like add reprojection functionality to craterpy, consider Contributing.
craterpy currently supports the following python versions on Linux, OS X and Windows:
- 2.7
- 3.5
- 3.6
It's core dependencies are:
- pandas
- gdal=2.2.2
- numpy
- scipy
- matplotlib
We recommend using the Anaconda package manager to install craterpy. Anaconda automatically resolves dependency conflicts and allows you to get virtual environments working quickly.
Open a terminal window and create a conda virtual environment (name it anything you like, and set the python version to a compatible version in Requires):
conda create --name your_env_name python=3.6
Activate the environment (on Windows, omit "source"):
source activate your_env_name
Install the dependencies (via conda-forge):
conda install -c conda-forge numpy scipy matplotlib pandas gdal
Install craterpy with pip:
pip install craterpy
Check that your installation succeeded with
conda list
Now that you have craterpy installed, head over to the tutorial to get started!
Note: Remember to activate your virtual environment each time you use craterpy.
Fork this project from craterpy on GitHub.
Clone your fork locally
Navigate to the craterpy root directory and install with:
python setup.py install
Warning: This installs the newest craterpy updates which may not be production stable. Installing from pip automatically pulls the previous stable release.
API documentation is available at readthedocs.
There are two major ways you can help improve craterpy:
You can report bugs or request new features on the issue tracker. If you are reporting a bug, please give a detailed description about how it came up and what your build environment is (e.g. with conda list
craterpy is seeking new contributors! If you are interested in open source and want to join a supportive learning environment - or if you want to extend craterpy to suit your own crater analysis - consider contributing to the project! See CONTRIBUTING.rst for details on how to get started.
The development environment is specified in .environment.yml. It can be built automatically in a new conda environment in a few simple steps:
Fork craterpy on GitHub.
Clone your fork, then cd into your local craterpy repository.
Create the
environment with:conda env create -f .environment.yml
Activate the dev environment with (ignore "source" on Windows):
source activate craterpy-env
Test the environment with:
py.test craterpy
Hack away!
The dev environment comes pre-installed with craterpy and all of its dependencies, as well as some handy libraries like pytest
, pytest-cov
, and flake8
. Read more about testing, covereage and style in CONTRIBUTING.rst.
A new .environment.yml
can be generated from within the activated craterpy-dev environment with:
conda env export > .environment.yml
For convenience, this project uses the MIT Licence for warranty-free ease of use and distribution. The author simply asks that you cite the project when using it in published research. The citable DOI can be found at Zenodo by clicking the badge below.
To read more about citable code, check out Zenodo.
If you have comments/question/concerns or just want to get in touch, you can email Christian at [email protected] or follow @TaiUdovicic on Twitter.
Copyright (c) 2017- Christian Tai Udovicic. Released under the MIT license. This software comes with no warranties. See LICENSE for details.
Craterpy was developed with the aid of these wonderful people!