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jeff-k committed Jan 9, 2018
2 parents d2eff59 + 50021bc commit d2ce277
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345 changes: 345 additions & 0 deletions pyvdrm/
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@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
HCV Drug Resistance Rule Parser definition

from functools import reduce, total_ordering
from pyparsing import (Literal, nums, Word, Forward, Optional, Regex,
infixNotation, delimitedList, opAssoc, alphas)
from pyvdrm.drm import AsiExpr, AsiBinaryExpr, AsiUnaryExpr, DRMParser
from pyvdrm.vcf import MutationSet

def update_flags(fst, snd):
for k in snd:
if k in fst:
fst[k] = snd[k] # this chould be achieved with a defaultdict
return fst

def maybe_foldl(func, noneable):
"""Safely fold a function over a potentially empty list of
potentially null values"""
if noneable is None:
return None
clean = [x for x in noneable if x is not None]
if not clean:
return None
return reduce(func, clean)

def maybe_map(func, noneable):
if noneable is None:
return None
r_list = []
for x in noneable:
if x is None:
result = func(x)
if result is None:
if not r_list:
return None
return r_list

class Score(object):
"""Encapsulate a score and the residues that support it"""

residues = set([])
score = None
flags = {} # allow a score expression to raise a user defined string

def __init__(self, score, residues, flags={}):
""" Initialize.
:param bool|float score: value of the score
:param residues: sequence of Mutations
:param flags: dictionary of user defined strings and supporting Mutations
self.score = score
self.residues = set(residues)
self.flags = flags

def __add__(self, other):
flags = update_flags(self.flags, other.flags)
return Score(self.score + other.score, self.residues | other.residues,

def __sub__(self, other):
flags = update_flags(self.flags, other.flags)
return Score(self.score - other.score, self.residues | other.residues,

def __repr__(self):
return "Score({!r}, {!r})".format(self.score, self.residues)

def __eq__(self, other):
return self.score == other.score

def __lt__(self, other):
# the total_ordering decorator populates the other 5 comparison
# operations. Implement them explicitly if this causes performance
# issues
return self.score < other.score

def __bool__(self):
return self.score

class Negate(AsiExpr):
"""Unary negation of boolean child"""
def __call__(self, mutations):
child_score = self.children[0](mutations)
if child_score is None:
return Score(True, []) # TODO: propagate negative residues
return Score(not child_score.score, child_score.residues)

class BoolTrue(AsiExpr):
"""Boolean True constant"""
def __call__(self, *args):
return Score(True, [])

class BoolFalse(AsiExpr):
"""Boolean False constant"""
def __call__(self, *args):
return Score(False, [])

class AndExpr(AsiExpr):
"""Fold boolean AND on children"""

def __call__(self, mutations):
scores = map(lambda f: f(mutations), self.children[0])
scores = [Score(False, []) if s is None else s for s in scores]
if not scores:
raise ValueError

residues = set([])
for s in scores:
if not s.score:
return Score(False, [])
residues = residues | s.residues

return Score(True, residues)

class OrExpr(AsiBinaryExpr):
"""Boolean OR on children (binary only)"""

def __call__(self, mutations):
arg1, arg2 = self.children

score1 = arg1(mutations)
score2 = arg2(mutations)

if score1 is None:
score1 = Score(False, [])
if score2 is None:
score2 = Score(False, [])

return Score(score1.score or score2.score,
score1.residues | score2.residues)

class EqualityExpr(AsiExpr):
"""ASI2 style inequality expressions"""

def __init__(self, label, pos, children):
super().__init__(label, pos, children)
self.operation, limit = children
self.limit = int(limit)

def __call__(self, x):
if self.operation == 'ATLEAST':
return x >= self.limit
elif self.operation == 'EXACTLY':
return x == self.limit
elif self.operation == 'NOMORETHAN':
return x <= self.limit

raise NotImplementedError

class ScoreExpr(AsiExpr):
"""Score expressions propagate DRM scores"""

def __call__(self, mutations):

flags = {}
if len(self.children) == 4:
operation, _, flag, _ = self.children
flags[flag] = []
score = 0 # should be None

elif len(self.children) == 3:
operation, minus, score = self.children
if minus != '-': # this is parsing the expression twice, refactor
raise ValueError
score = -1 * int(score)

elif len(self.children) == 2:
operation, score = self.children
score = int(score)

raise ValueError

# evaluate operation and return score
result = operation(mutations)
if result is None:
return None

if result.score is False:
return Score(0, [])
return Score(score, result.residues, flags=flags)

class ScoreList(AsiExpr):
"""Lists of scores are either summed or maxed"""

def __call__(self, mutations):
operation, *rest = self.children
if operation == 'MAX':
return maybe_foldl(max, [f(mutations) for f in rest])

# the default operation is sum
return maybe_foldl(lambda x, y: x+y, [f(mutations) for f in self.children])

class SelectFrom(AsiExpr):
"""Return True if some number of mutations match"""

def typecheck(self, tokens):
# if type(tokens[0]) != EqualityExpr:
# raise TypeError()

def __call__(self, mutations):
operation, *rest = self.children
# the head of the arg list must be an equality expression

scored = list(maybe_map(lambda f: f(mutations), rest))
passing = len(scored)

if operation(passing):
return Score(True, maybe_foldl(
lambda x, y: x.residues.union(y.residues), scored))
return None

class AsiScoreCond(AsiExpr):
"""Score condition"""

label = "ScoreCond"

def __call__(self, args):
"""Score conditions evaluate a list of expressions and sum scores"""
return maybe_foldl(lambda x, y: x+y, map(lambda x: x(args), self.children))

class AsiMutations(object):
"""List of mutations given an ambiguous pattern"""

def __init__(self, _label=None, _pos=None, args=None):
"""Initialize set of mutations from a potentially ambiguous residue
self.mutations = args and MutationSet(''.join(args))

def __repr__(self):
if self.mutations is None:
return "AsiMutations()"
return "AsiMutations(args={!r})".format(str(self.mutations))

def __call__(self, env):
for mutation_set in env:
intersection = self.mutations.mutations & mutation_set.mutations
if len(intersection) > 0:
return Score(True, intersection)
return None

class HCVR(DRMParser):
"""HCV Resistance Syntax definition"""

def parser(self, rule):

select = Literal('SELECT').suppress()
except_ = Literal('EXCEPT')
exactly = Literal('EXACTLY')
atleast = Literal('ATLEAST')

from_ = Literal('FROM').suppress()

max_ = Literal('MAX')

and_ = Literal('AND').suppress()
or_ = Literal('OR').suppress()
# min_ = Literal('MIN')

notmorethan = Literal('NOTMORETHAN')
l_par = Literal('(').suppress()
r_par = Literal(')').suppress()

quote = Literal('"')

mapper = Literal('=>').suppress()
integer = Word(nums)

mutation = Optional(Regex(r'[A-Z]')) + integer + Regex(r'[diA-Z]+')

not_ = Literal('NOT').suppress() + mutation

residue = mutation | not_
# integer + l_par + not_ + Regex(r'[A-Z]+') + r_par
# roll this next rule into the mutation object

# Syntax of expressions
excludestatement = except_ + residue

quantifier = exactly | atleast | notmorethan
inequality = quantifier + integer

select_quantifier = infixNotation(inequality,
[(and_, 2, opAssoc.LEFT, AndExpr),
(or_, 2, opAssoc.LEFT, OrExpr)])

residue_list = l_par + delimitedList(residue) + r_par

# so selectstatement.eval :: [Mutation] -> Maybe Bool
selectstatement = select + select_quantifier + from_ + residue_list

bool_ = Literal('TRUE').suppress().setParseAction(BoolTrue) |\

booleancondition = Forward()
condition = residue | excludestatement | selectstatement | bool_

booleancondition << infixNotation(condition,
[(and_, 2, opAssoc.LEFT, AndExpr),
(or_, 2, opAssoc.LEFT, OrExpr)]) | condition

score = Optional(Literal('-')) + integer | quote + Word(alphas) + quote
scoreitem = booleancondition + mapper + score
scorelist = max_ + l_par + delimitedList(scoreitem) + r_par |\

scorecondition = Literal('SCORE FROM').suppress() +\
l_par + delimitedList(scorelist) + r_par


statement = booleancondition | scorecondition

return statement.parseString(rule)

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