GitHub actions uses bash, so I need to get path stuff set up for bash too.
Install Homebrew. Then:
bash -c "$(curl -sSL $f)"
Install oh-my-zsh.
Change default shell to fish:
chsh -s /opt/homebrew/bin/fish
Run the command emacs
from the terminal and pin the icon to the dock.
- `prefix` + <kbd>I</kbd>: Install plugins
- `prefix` + <kbd>U</kbd>: Update plugins
pyenv install -l # List all downloadable Python versions
pyenv install 3.7.0 # Download and install Python 3.7.0
pyenv virtualenv 3.7.0 foo # Create a virtual env with Python 3.7.0
pyenv local foo # Use 'foo' virtual env in current dir
pyenv global foo # Use 'foo' env unless otherwise specified
pyenv versions # List installed Pythons and virtual envs
pyenv version # Show current Python/virtualenv and why
frum install -l # List all downloadable Ruby versions
frum install 3.1.0 # Download and install Ruby 3.1.0
frum global 2.6.1 # Use Ruby 2.6.1 unless otherwise specified