GEOLib is a Python package to generate, execute and parse several D-Serie numerical models.
Install GEOLib with:
$ pip install d-geolib
To install the required dependencies to run GEOLib code, run:
$ pip install -r requirements
Or, when having poetry installed (you should):
$ poetry install
Make sure to have the server dependencies installed:
$ poetry install -E server
In order to run the testcode, from the root of the repository, run:
$ pytest
or, in case of using Poetry
$ poetry run pytest
Running flake8, mypy is also recommended. For mypy use:
$ mypy --config-file pyproject.toml geolib
In order to run the documentation, from the root of the repository, run:
$ cd docs
$ sphinx-build . build -b html -c .
The documentation is now in the build subfolder, where you can open the index.html in your browser.
To build a distributable wheel package, run:
$ poetry build
The distributable packages are now built in the dist subfolder.