Pokebattler is no longer running off of this code base. There is significant database integration and user login code that I do not want to try and maintain a no database implementation anymore. Perhaps in the future if there is enough interest I can opensource a version that uses api endpoints instead of direct database integrations but its a lot of work and to my knowledge, not many people are using this code base. Please feel free to contact me for more details if you are interested.
Pokebattler is powered by this open source server. Licensing is MIT which basically means you can do whatever you want with it. I would of course appreciation attribution and links to the site but its totally up to you.
This server is a spring-boot application with the jax-rs setup, see com.pokebattler.fight.resources for all supported urls.
mvn spring-boot:run
curl http://localhost:8080/moves
to make sure it works
- Import this project directory under File->Import->Maven->Existing Maven project
- Right click on project -> Run as->Maven generate sources
- src/main/java -> com.pokebattler.fight, Right click on JerseyApplication, run/debug as Java Application
mvn clean package gcloud:stage
cd target\appengine-staging
gcloud app deploy
- Visit