A prototype for an e-library which allows users to create, search, update, and delete information about plants based on the needs of Landscape Architects. The back -end is a CRUD REST service and the front-end uses reactive programming.
Check out this prototype on heroku: https://landscape-architect-library.herokuapp.com/
Note: This code represents the MVP version; it does not expose anything from the official prototype.
- Users can add a plant's profile.
- Users can edit a plant's profile.
- Users can publish or unpublish a plant's profile.
- Users can search for a plant's profile.
- Users can delete a plant's profile.
- Users can see the list of all the existing plants.
In Progress
- Implementing authentication/authorization using Spring Security and JWT (Json Web Token).
- Integrating AWS S3 to store images of plants.
- Defining requirements to source data from a third party's database.
- Dockerizing App.
- Java
- Spring Web MVC to export REST API.
- Spring Data JPA to interact with PosthreSQL database.
- Maven (build automation tool)
- PostgreSQL as the Database
- React: used create-react-app to set up development environment; it creates a frontend build pipeline.
- NPM (package manager)
- JavaScript
- Redux (State management)
- React Router Dom to implement dynamic routing in a web app.
- Axios to send HTTP Requests and retrieve HTTP Responses.
- Bootstrap (HTML and CSS framework for templates and responsive designs)
This is a collection of requests tested: https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/16169448/UV5Rmfa1