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Thomas Leibovici edited this page Oct 9, 2017 · 13 revisions

RUG 2017

Robinhood User Group 2017 - October 3rd, 2017 - Paris, France

About this event

The purpose of Robinhood User Group is to gather the robinhood community (user sites, contributors, involved storage vendors) to discuss specific usages and implementations, experiences, tunings, and future directions.

It will take place half a day before LAD on the Afternoon of October 3rd, 2017, in Paris, France.


This event is collocated with LAD'17 at Hôtel des Arts et Métiers, Paris, France.

Hôtel des Arts et Métiers
9bis Avenue d'Iéna
75016 Paris, France

Hôtel des Arts et Métiers


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Agenda / Slide decks

> Download all presentations (.tar.gz)

13h30 - Welcome coffee

14h00 - Welcoming and introduction (Aurélien Degrémont, CEA)

14h10 - Robinhood project update (Thomas Leibovici, CEA)
Releases, new features, and roadmap.

15h00 - Fast Lustre file system scanning (Cory Spitz, Cray)
Fast Lustre file system scanning with or without the Multiple-modify-RPCs-per-client feature.

15h30 - Break

16h00 - Improving robinhood performance for large scale deployments (Nathan Rutman, Cray)

16h30 - Site status: GSI (Gabriele Iannetti, GSI)

16h50 - Site status: University of Cambridge (Matthew Raso-Barnett, University of Cambridge)

17h10 - Open discussion

17h30 - End of RUG

Last year's agenda and slide decks of RUG 2016 are available here.


For more information, contact: [email protected]