Ƭ ReadonlySignal<T
>: Object
A signal that can have subscribers and emit values to them.
Name |
T |
Name | Type |
nOfSubscriptions |
() => number |
subscribe |
(subscriber : Subscriber <T >) => Unsubscribe |
subscribeOnce |
(subscriber : Subscriber <T >) => Unsubscribe |
Ƭ Signal<T
>: ReadonlySignal
> & { emit
: (v
: T
) => void
A signal that can have subscribers and emit values to them.
Name |
T |
Ƭ Subscriber<T
>: (current
: T
) => void
Name |
T |
▸ (current
): void
A generic subscriber that takes a value emitted by a signal as its only parameter.
Name | Type |
current |
T |
Ƭ Unsubscribe: () => void
▸ (): void
A function that's used to unsubscribe a subscriber from a signal.
▸ coalesceSignals<T
): ReadonlySignal
Coalesce multiple signals into one that will emit the latest value emitted by any of the source signals.
const lastUpdate1$ = makeSignal<number>();
const lastUpdate2$ = makeSignal<number>();
const latestUpdate$ = coalesceSignals([lastUpdate1$, lastUpdate2$]);
latestUpdate$.subscribe((v) => console.log(v));
lastUpdate1$.emit(1577923200000); // will log 1577923200000
lastUpdate2$.emit(1653230659450); // will log 1653230659450
Name | Type |
T |
extends unknown [] |
Name | Type | Description |
signals$ |
{ [P in string | number | symbol]: ReadonlySignal<T[P]> } | an array of signals to observe. |
a new signal that emits whenever one of the source signals emits.
▸ deriveSignal<T
, U
, transform
): ReadonlySignal
Create a signal that emits whenever the passed signal emits. The original emitted value gets transformed by the passed function and the result gets emitted.
const signal$ = makeSignal<number>();
const derived$ = deriveSignal(signal$, (n) => n + 100);
derived$.subscribe((v) => console.log(v));
signal$.emit(3); // will trigger console.log, echoing 103
Name |
T |
U |
Name | Type | Description |
signal$ |
ReadonlySignal <T > |
a signal. |
transform |
(data : T ) => U |
a transformation function. |
a new signal that will emit the transformed data.
▸ makeSignal<T
>(): Signal
Make a signal of type T.
Example usage:
const signal$ = makeSignal<number>();
Example usage with no data:
const signal$ = makeSignal<void>();
Name |
T |
a signal.