- Overview
- Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
- Setup - The basics of getting started with geoip
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
Manages Maxmind GeoIP database.
Installs packages containing executables and libraries, and manages the database files.
- packages relative to geoip
- cron job to update databases
include ::geoip
class { '::geoip':
autoupdate => false,
userid => '1234567',
licensekey => '1234567',
productids => ['506', 'GeoLite2-City'],
manage_defaultdb => true,
defaultdb => 'GeoLite2-City'
string containing the name of the Service to manage. Defaults to OS specific value (seeparams.pp
string containing the name of the command to execute geoip updates. Defaults to OS specific value (seeparams.pp
string containing the path to geoip's dbfile location. Defaults to OS specific value (seeparams.pp
string containing maxmind customer id. Defaults to free accountlicensekey
string containing maxmind license id. Defaults to free lite license.productids
array containing list of databases to downloadautoupdate
boolean controlling wether cronjob should be installed to update geoip databases on a daily basis. Defaults totrue
boolean controlling wether we should manage the API's default db. Defaults tofalse
string containing the name of the default db. Defaults toGeoLiteCity
Manages the autoupdate process. Cureently implemented by a cronjob. No parameters yet.
Manages the default db file. Cureently implemented by a symlink. No parameters yet.
Only tested on Debian 8 and Centos 7
bundle install --path vendor/bundle
bundle exec rake spec