- Calvin Harper (cch264)
- Trevor Johnson (tkj44)
- Logan (lco37)
Collect the three scattered pieces of tresure by exploring the map! There is one piece of treasure in each biome. Avoid touching enemies as the player only has three lives. After getting hit the player has a 4 second invincibility period before they can be harmed again. Pick up a piece of treasure to gain one life. Once you collect all 3 pieces of treasure you win!
When moving parallel close to a wall the player may get snagged, move in the oppisite direction to be unstuck.
- Calvin Harper: Created player, gem, cactus, and item dock sprites. Wrote player movement, enemy collision, screen shake, room boundry collision, item collision and room management code. Created start screen sequence and tween.
- Trevor Johnson: Created bird, penguin, and lamp sprites. Wrote movement code for bird and pengiun. General bug fixes.
- Logan O'Donell: Created title screen, win screen, lose screen, and tilemap sprites. Created tile sets from tilemap sprite.