This is the bookdown template for a standard CBW workshop.
is the notation for making a comment in a .R/md file. The comment begins after symbols. Some explanations for in template will be in these comments.You can instantly make a comment by clicking on the line with the text you want to comment and using the keyboard command: cmd/ctrl
+ shift
+ c
Content that you should replace is written in square brackets [insert here].
Currently a work-in-progress.
Michelle + Nia can update the photos if they want, they're in img/faculty/. (I just took these off the internet, quality might be bad)
favicon.ico taken from, can update if you'd like
in the upper right corner, there is twitter/facebook/other sharing links, they are based on the index.Rmd HTML metadata ? - not that important, we can care about this later
figure out good naming convention for files