This repository contains Docker configuration aimed to provide a good starting point to install moodle in production using docker.
In Catedu we need to deploy several hundreds of Moodle. This repo aims to give us a solution to test locally our developments and to generate our docker images. Our final solution is being implemented in moodle-docker-deploy repo.
- Database servers: MySQL / MariaDB /PostGreSQL (MySQL in this repo)
- Last supported PHP version
- Zero-configuration approach
- All php-extensions (thanks to moodlehq)
These features are out of the scope of this repo (you may have a look at moodle-docker-deploy repo):
- Crontab configuration
- Auto backup
- Docker and Docker Compose installed
cp env-sample .env
docker-compose up -d
Open browser webpage: http://localhost (be patient)
Configure your moodle installation using an .env file
We have two environments: production (https ready with letsencrypt) and development (default).
Plugins or special configuration is done using shell scripts or php files. The moodle container executes them from init-scripts directory. We provide an example script ( file, and moodle image has moosh binary.
Using letsEncrypt, activating production environment:
cp docker-compose.override_prod.yml docker-compose.override.yml docker-compose up -d
Modify .env file
MOODLE_URL=https://localhost SSL_PROXY=true
- Create a new directory with the selected Moodle version. For example for Moodlle 3.9.0 and using nginx-fpm (best choice):
cd ${REPO_DIR}
cp -r nginx-fpm/3.8.3 nginx-fpm/3.9.0
- Modify files (Dockerfile, php extensions file, entrypoint...)
- Create a workflow yml file for your version at .github/workflows
- Commit and push so Docker Hub knows about the change to build new public image
- if you create the workflow after pushing changes you will have to modify a file, commit and push again in order to trigger the workflow
Are extremely welcome!
- Need to upload users