This package presents a client for the Docker remote API.
For more details, check the remote API documentation.
package main
import (
func main() {
endpoint := "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
client, _ := docker.NewClient(endpoint)
imgs, _ := client.ListImages(docker.ListImagesOptions{All: false})
for _, img := range imgs {
fmt.Println("ID: ", img.ID)
fmt.Println("RepoTags: ", img.RepoTags)
fmt.Println("Created: ", img.Created)
fmt.Println("Size: ", img.Size)
fmt.Println("VirtualSize: ", img.VirtualSize)
fmt.Println("ParentId: ", img.ParentID)
You can run the tests with:
go get -d ./...
go test ./...