This application is called Class Link. This app is a portal to provide calendar in order for the user to see what is scheduled for the month, week, or day. User will also have the ability to start a conversation in regards to the events by creating a post. Other users will be able to see all the posts and respond in each of the post in the comments section.
This is a collaborative work to provide an interactive experience. This application is created to exhibit our knowledge in Node.js, Express.js, Handlebars.js, MySQL, and Sequalize.
- Use Node.js and Express.js to create a RESTful API.
- Use Handlebars.js as a template engine.
- Use MySQL and Sequalize ORM for the database.
- Have both GET and POST routes for retrieving and adding new data.
- Use at lease one new library, package, or technology that we haven't discussed.
- Have a folder structure that meets the MVC paradigm.
- Include authentication (express-session and cookies).
- Protect API keys and sensistive information with environment variables.
- Be deployed using Heroku (with data).
As a parent/student who needs an update on school schedules and to contact teachers
I WANT to be able to access a portal with both functions
SO THAT I will be able check my calendar and communicate with teachers in one app
Too access the application, you can follow the deployment link in Heroku below.
Heroku Link: Class Link
- User will be able to sign up for an account.
- If user is already signed up, user will be able to log in using the credentials during sign up process.
- Once logged in, user will be presented with the calendar and all the current posts.
- User will be able to read all the comments under each posts.
- User will be able to add a comment in any post.
- All previous posts of user can be viewed under
- User will be able to create a new post.
- User will be able to edit post.
- User will be able to delete post.
- User will be able to log out safely.
- Node
- Express
- Sequelize
- API (Google API and random quote generator)
- Handlebars
- SweetAlert2
- Bcrypt
- Bootstrap