Predict the number of citations an article will get using a random forest and, among others, features created by a Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency Vectorizer
Create a machine learning model which can predict the number of citations an article will get. The training and test data sets are provided. Both containing the following information: doi, title, field of study, abstract, year of publication, venue, authors, number of references per article, and topics. The goal is to score the lowest r^2 on the given test data.
Besides the provided features such as the year of publication, venue, and the number of references per article, we generated some additional features, which will be further elaborated on in this section. First, to process the textual data (e.g., the abstract and title) to readable data for the algorithm, we used the TfidfVectorizer function of the scikit learn library. This function converts the textual data into a sparse matrix of token count frequencies, which is interpretable by the algorithm. Before the usage of the TfidfVectorizer function, we cleaned textual data by removing stop words and lower-casing them, as described by Bernardo (2019) . Besides that, we also generated features that represent the length of the title, abstract, number of authors, and number of topics. According to Chakraborty et. al (2014) and Yan et. al (2011), these are one of the more important features to be able to predict the citation count. To account for the numerical features, we used the StandardScaler function, subtracting the mean and then dividing that by the standard deviation. If this function would not be used, the algorithm could behave badly seeing that the numerical data is on a different scale. To process the label, we log-transformed the citation count in the train dataset using numpy.log1p because of the big outliers. Lastly, after fitting this label and set of features in the learning algorithm, we converted the predictions back using numpy.expm1. The whole process of data processing and applying the learning algorithm was done using Google Colab interface. Hence, we used some packages to load our working directory as well as download the output such as google.colab drive and google.colab files.
To choose the best learning algorithm we utilized a function lazypredict imported from lazypredict.supervised. This function runs a rather large number of algorithms and provides you with the best model in terms of R2 and RMSE. Based on this output and the lectures during the course, we decided to use the Random Forest Regressor. This model was one of the best performing models of the Lazy Predict function and it is a unique opportunity to immediately implement part of the course content into our project. A random forest regression model will fit a number of decision trees on subsets of the dataset. The settings of this learning algorithm was tuned and is discussed in the next section.
An important step in training a machine learning algorithm is to tune the hyperparameters. In our case we chose to use the RandomizedSearchCV of the scikit learn library. This function does a randomized search cross validation on the hyperparameters to determine the best ones. We chose the random search function over the grid search cross validation seeing that we have a rather large number of parameters to tune. In that case it is recommended to use the random search cross validation. This function optimizes the hyper parameters by drawing random values of the parameters and evaluating them. Then, the function selects the most successful model and provides the optimal hyper parameter settings.
Chakraborty, T., Kumar, S., Goyal, P., Ganguly, N., & Mukherjee, A. (2014). Towards a stratified learning approach to predict future citation counts. IEEE/ACM Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, 1–10.
Yan, R., Tang, J., Liu, X., Shan, D., & Li, X. (2011). Citation count prediction: Learning to estimate future citations for literature. Proceedings of the 20th ACM international conference on Information and knowledge management - CIKM ’11, 1–6.
Bernardo (2019). Reddit-Classifier/02 EDA.ipynb at master · berkurka/Reddit-Classifier.GitHub.
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We reached an R-squared of 0.39. Meaning we could predict around 39% of the variance. There were some investigations regarding the usage of H-index to account for the author’s popularity, which we could have scrapped from Elsevier’s Python API (Elsapy). However, due to time constraints, we could not find a way to properly use this powerful package. Moreover, we did not spend enough time to apply the Sklearn Feature selection algorithm, which might be the cause of reducing the prediction efficiency. Lastly, we would have used a cosine similarity which might be beneficial to the model.