Here are two sinks (they call backends this way) for
First one to forward data to another statsd:
php forward.php statsdHost 8126
Second one - to push data to Zabbix:
php build.php
php build/statsite-sink-zabbix.phar /usr/bin/zabbix_sender zabbixHost 10051 metricsHostname http://user:password@zabbixhost/api metricsNamespace
# for example
php zabbix.php /usr/local/bin/zabbix_sender 32769 Zabbix http://admin:[email protected]:32771/zabbix/api_jsonrpc.php test8
port = 8125
udp_port = 8125
log_level = DEBUG
log_facility = local0
flush_interval = 10
timer_eps = 0.01
set_eps = 0.02
stream_cmd = timeout 10 php /home/user/path/forward.php localhost 8126 2>&1 >> forward.php.log
port = 8126
udp_port = 8126
log_level = DEBUG
log_facility = local0
flush_interval = 60
timer_eps = 0.01
set_eps = 0.02
stream_cmd = timeout 10 php /user/path/zabbix.php /usr/bin/zabbix_sender localhost 10051 web1 namespace 2>&1 >> zabbix.php.log