Number of citations:
- 4520 (as of okt 2024, google scholar, sum of 3 main)
- According to web of science, in 1% of most cited papers in computer science
- Of all KU Leuven affliated papers since 2019, our journal publication holds rank #9:
Number of downloads:
- 1100 per month (as of January 2024) (
- 65 per month (as of January 2024) (
Github releases lumped together
Number of users (internation_kpi sheet, as of January 2024)
- 77 universities (subscribed to newsletter and/or training activities)
- 30 organizations (commercial and subsidized)
Projects depending on CasADi:
- Python projects on pypi:
- Github repos: 2300+ (as of November 2024, )
- Github packages: 100 (as of November 2024, )
List of software tools dependent on CasADi (see e.g.
- omg-tools
- MPCTools: MPC and MHE, Rawlings' group
- RTC-tools
- rockit: KU Leuven MECO
- yop
- do-MPC: Robust multi-stage MPC, MHE, Lucia's group
- hilo-mpc
- Optimization Engine
- acados: Real-time MPC, Diehl's group
- PyBaMM
- Tasho
- Bioptim
- 3dpredictsim
- Horizon
- Modelon impact
- Forces PRO
- OASE, Flanders Make
- paresto: Parameter estimation, Rawlings' group
- TuneMPC: economic tuning of MPC, uses acados and casadi, from Zanon and Diehl
- UKF-SNMPC: Stochastic MPC with UKF (Bradford)
- SDD-GP-MPC: Gaussian processes and MPC (Bradford)
- casiopeia: Parameter estimation and optimal experiment design
- NLoed: optimal experiment design
- ml-casadi: PyTorch + CasADi (superseded by L4CasADi below)
- Fatrop
- L4CasADi: Use PyTorch models within CasADi
- OpTaS
- csnlp
- nmpyc
- OpenAP Trajectory Optimizer
- Alpaqa
- matADi: Material Definition with Automatic Differentiation.
- SIPPY: System identification
- Monomers to Polymers (m2p)
- MPOPT: pseudo-spectral collocation methods
- AeroSandbox
- Pymoca
List of books featuring CasADi
- Model Predictive Control: Theory, Computation, and Design
- Learning with Python and CasADi model predictive control
Companies using CasADi (public disclosure)
- ionworks
- Modelon
Research projects using CasADi
- ROCSIS (KULeuven as partner)
- ID2CON (KULeuven as partner)
- AVCON (KULeuven as partner)
- DriveTrain codedesign (KULeuven as partner)
- Dirac SBO (KULeuven as partner)
- ARENA SBO (KULeuven as partner)
- WORKDRIVE SBO (KULeuven as partner)
- FROGS (KULeuven as partner)
- Assistant IRVA (KULeuven as partner)
- ELOX Marie Curie (KULeuven as partner)