Route optimization with numerous stops. Based on OpenStreetMap and OR-Tools.
- Project dependencies
- Install Bundler Gem
- Install Node modules
- Requirements for all systems
- Install project
- Configuration
- Background Tasks
- Initialization
- Running
- Running on producton
- Launch tests
Install Ruby (> 2.2 is needed) and other dependencies from system package.
For example, with Ubuntu, follows this instructions:
To know the last version, check with this command tools
apt-cache search [package_name]
First, install Ruby:
sudo apt install ruby2.3.7 ruby2.3.7-dev
Next, install Postgresql environement:
sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-client-9.6 postgresql-server-dev-9.6
You need some others libs:
sudo apt install libz-dev libicu-dev build-essential g++ libgeos-dev libgeos++-dev
It's important to have all of this installed packages before installing following gems.
Install ruby (>2.2 is needed), bundler and some dependencies from system package.
yum install ruby ruby-devel rubygem-bundler postgresql-devel libgeos++-dev
Install ruby (>2.2 is needed), bundler and some dependencies from system package.
brew install postgresql icu4c geos
In addition to gems, node modules must be installed for Javascript files. To install all dependencies, run the following command after installing yarn:
yarn install
All packages will be available through node_modules directory.
If a npm package includes assets, they must be declared in the config/initializers/assets.rb file:
Rails.application.config.assets.paths += Dir["#{Rails.root}/node_modules/package/asset_dir"]
Delayed job (background task) can be activated by setting Mapotempo::Application.config.delayed_job_use = true
it's allow asynchronous running of import geocoder and optimization computation.
Check database configuration in config/database.yml
and from project directory create a database for your environment with:
As postgres user:
sudo -i -u postgres
Create user and databases:
createuser -s [username]
createdb -E UTF8 -T template0 -O [username] dev
createdb -E UTF8 -T template0 -O [username] test
As normal user, we call rake to initialize databases (load schema and demo data):
rake db:setup
Default project configuration is in config/application.rb
you can override any setting by create a config/initializers/your_config.rb
file and override any variable.
External resources can be configured trough environment variables:
- POSTGRES_USER, default: 'planner'
- POSTGRES_PASSWORD, default: 'planner'
- POSTGRES_DB', default: 'planner-test', 'planner-dev' or 'planner-prod'
- REDIS_HOST', default: 'localhost', production environment only
- OPTIMIZER_URL, default: 'http://localhost:1791/0.1'
- OPTIMIZER_API_KEY, default: 'demo'
- GEOCODER_URL, default: 'http://localhost:8558/0.1'
- GEOCODER_API_KEY, default: 'demo'
- ROUTER_URL, default: 'http://localhost:4899/0.1'
- ROUTER_API_KEY, default: 'demo'
Start standalone rails server with:
rails server
Start Webpack to auto-compile JS assets (and reload browser on change):
Enjoy at http://localhost:3000
To run both server in on command, you can launch Guard (configuration in Guardfile):
Start the background jobs runner with
./bin/delayed_job run
Or set the use of delayed job to false in your app config:
Mapotempo::Application.config.delayed_job_use = false
Setup assets:
rake i18n:js:export
rake assets:precompile
rake test
If you focus one test only or for any other good reasons, you don't want to check i18n and coverage:
rake test I18N=false COVERAGE=false
Add new locale:
- Update
- Require the translation assets into
Build is generated on each push to ce, beta or prod branch. To be able to generate the image, add the following variable to your CI settings.
- USER (registry user login name)
- PASSWORD (registry user login password)
- PRIVATE_TOKEN: user private token
Install Docker Engine :
docker compose build
Copie and update settings.
cp .env.template .env
cp config/environments/production.rb docker/
For dev setup, enable the docker-compose-dev.yml
by enabling it in .env file.
docker compose up -d
docker compose up -d
docker compose exec --user postgres db psql -c "CREATE ROLE planner PASSWORD 'planner' LOGIN;"
docker compose exec --user postgres db psql -c "CREATE DATABASE planner OWNER planner ENCODING 'utf-8';"
docker compose exec --user postgres db psql planner -c "CREATE EXTENSION hstore;"
docker compose run --rm web bundle exec rake db:setup
Update the database schema after version update with
docker compose run --rm web bundle exec rake db:migrate
For dev in docker add SUPERUSER
# docker compose exec --user postgres db psql -c "ALTER USER planner WITH SUPERUSER;"
To reset the instance
docker compose down
docker compose up -d db
docker compose exec --user postgres db psql -c "DROP DATABASE planner;"
docker compose exec --user postgres db psql -c "DROP ROLE planner;"
Update the db/structure.sql
docker compose run --rm web bundle exec rake db:structure:dump
- Install Visual Studio Code
- Install the following extensions : Docker & Dev Containers
- Press F1 > Select command "Dev Containers: Open Folder in Container..."
- Select this repository
- You should now be able to edit, commit and push from the container
Prepare for tests:
docker compose exec --user postgres db psql -c "CREATE DATABASE test OWNER planner;"
RAILS_ENV=test docker compose run --rm web bundle exec rake i18n:js:export
RAILS_ENV=test docker compose run --rm web bundle exec rake assets:precompile
Run tests:
RAILS_ENV=test docker compose run --rm web rake test I18N=false COVERAGE=false
Analytics can be enabled by adding docker-compose-superset.yml
variable into .env
Analytics should be initialized with
docker compose exec --user postgres db psql -c "CREATE DATABASE superset;"
docker compose run --rm superset bash -c "
superset db upgrade
superset fab create-admin \
--username admin \
--firstname Superset \
--lastname Admin \
--email [email protected] \
--password admin
superset init
superset fab import-roles -p superset-public-permissions.json
Then go to Superset at http://localhost:8088 and setup dashboard.
Add cron every hour to historyze relevant data
0 * * * * cd planner-web && docker compose run --rm web bundle exec rake db:history:historize
The Web API, providing views, is statically generated while rake precompile the project. The REST API is, on its side, dynamically generated.