Simple script which turns a yaml file like
### lscsoft-all
- date: 2016-12-14T19:04:10+01:00
author: Carsten Aulbert <[email protected]>
- |
further tests
another line
- needed?
version: 2016.12
- date: 02/06/17 4:48pm EST
author: Carsten Aulbert <[email protected]>
- Test date string
version: 1.0
desc_short: 'Metapackage to pull in all other lscsoft packages'
deb: libgsl-dev (>> 1.4) | libgsl2-dev
rpm: libgsl-devel (> 1.4), libgsl-devel(< 1.8)
maintainer: Carsten Aulbert <[email protected]>
priority: optional
section: lscsoft
into rpm
spec file like
Name: lscsoft-all
Version: 2016.12
Release: 1%{?dist}
Group: lscsoft
License: GPL
Summary: Metapackage to pull in all other lscsoft packages
Packager: Carsten Aulbert <[email protected]>
BuildArch: noarch
Requires: libgsl-devel (> 1.4), libgsl-devel(< 1.8)
Requires: lscsoft-auth
Requires: lscsoft-external
Requires: lscsoft-internal
Requires: lscsoft-ldas
Metapackage to pull in all other lscsoft packages
* Wed Dec 14 2016 Carsten Aulbert <[email protected]> 2016.12
- further tests
another line
- needed?
* Mon Jun 17 2002 Carsten Aulbert <[email protected]> 1.0
- Test date string
and for Debian a set of files, e.g.
Metapackage to pull in all other lscsoft packages
Upstream Author(s): The LIGO Scientific Collaboration
Copyright: LIGO Scientific Collaboration
License: GPLv2 (or later)
lscsoft-all (2016.12) unstable; urgency=medium
* further tests
another line
* needed?
-- Carsten Aulbert <[email protected]> Wed, 14 Dec 2016 19:04:10 +0100
lscsoft-all (1.0) unstable; urgency=medium
* Test date string
-- Carsten Aulbert <[email protected]> Mon, 17 Jun 2002 16:48:00 -0500
and finally, control
Section: lscsoft
Priority: optional
Standards-Version: 3.9.2
Package: lscsoft-all
Maintainer: Carsten Aulbert <[email protected]>
Readme: README
Changelog: changelog.Debian
Copyright: copyright
Architecture: all
Depends: libgsl-dev (>> 1.4) | libgsl2-dev, lscsoft-auth, lscsoft-external, lscsoft-internal (>> 5.0), lscsoft-ldas
Description: Metapackage to pull in all other lscsoft packages
Metapackage to pull in all other lscsoft packages
Easiest way of testing is creating a small VM with the lscsoft stack available and a local repository for the updated metapackages, e.g. in VM this line should be present:
echo "deb jessie contrib" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/lscsoft.list
echo "deb file:///tmp/metatest /" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/metatest.list
At the root of checked-out repository one could run as follows (using a simple pbuilder "VM" on build server):
export LOCALREPO=/tmp/metatest
mkdir -p $LOCALREPO
export REMOTE=bob:/srv/pbuilder/build/cow.1185/tmp/
Loop for testing:
for i in stage/*/deb/; do ( cd $i; equivs-build control ); done
find stage -name "*deb" -type f | xargs -i rsync -a {} $LOCALREPO
(cd $LOCALREPO; rm -f Packages.gz; dpkg-scanpackages -m . | gzip -c > Packages.gz)
rsync -a /tmp/metatest "$REMOTE/"