The Helm Operator provides an extension to Flux that automates Helm Chart releases in a GitOps manner. A Chart release is described through a Kubernetes custom resource named HelmRelease. The Flux daemon synchronizes these resources from git to the cluster, and the Helm Operator makes sure Helm charts are released as specified in the resources.
- declarative helm install/upgrade/delete of charts
- pulls charts from public or private Helm repositories over HTTPS
- pulls charts from public or private Git repositories over SSH
- chart release values can be specified inline in the HelmRelease object or via secrets, configmaps or URLs
- automated chart upgrades based on container image tag policies (requires Flux)
- automatic purging on chart install failures
- automatic rollback on chart upgrade failures
Get started installing the Helm operator or just browse through the documentation.
As Flux Helm Operator is Open Source, integrations are very straight-forward. Here are a few popular ones you might want to check out:
- Progressive Delivery workshop (Helm v3 alpha)
- Managing Helm releases the GitOps way
- GitOps for Istio Canary deployments
We welcome all kinds of contributions to Helm Operator, be it code, issues you found, documentation, external tools, help and support or anything else really.
The FluxCD projects adheres to the CNCF Code of Conduct.
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by contacting a Flux project maintainer, or the CNCF mediator, Mishi Choudhary [email protected].
To familiarise yourself with the project and how things work, you might be interested in the following:
If you have any questions about Helm Operator and continuous delivery:
- Read the Helm Operator docs.
- Invite yourself to the CNCF community slack and ask a question on the #flux channel.
- To be part of the conversation about Helm Operator's development, join the flux-dev mailing list.
- File an issue.
Your feedback is always welcome!