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Canvas to edit SVG images

Canvas with sample images to drag and drop in an image editor where you can transform them, save the changes automatically, make certain edits with keyboard shortcuts, and download the final result.

Table of Contents

  • Description
  • Status
  • Technologies
  • Authors
  • Contact
  • Illustrations


This an idea for a project where I could test my front-end skills a bit further, and play around with new libraries like Konva. There are no plans to develop it further. It was also a fun excuse to learn to use Next.js and Vercel.


Project is finished, feel free to visit the website and test it out. Main goal was to expand my portfolio and push myself to code/learn new stuff. App is hosted on Vercel:


Project is created with:

  • Javascript - 1.7 in Chrome
  • React - 17.0.2
  • Next - 11.0.1
  • Material UI - 4.11.4
  • Konva - 8.1.1
  • React Konva - 17.0.2-4
  • Multiple libraries (e.g.: Axios, Svgson, etc.)


Carlos Miceli (Github, Linkedin, personal website)


Feel free to email me (Carlos) at [email protected] for anything related to this project.


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