Gradle release example for CI and CD including integration with sonar, versioning and changelog. This is used for the gradle webinars.
Java Gradle
The Jenkinsfile and JenkinsfileDeploy store the gradle activities in the CI and CD pipeline. All the modifications are done via Pull Requests, see the Contribution Guidelines for further information.
gradle clean build
gradle clean build
gradle sonarqube
gradle clean release -Prelease.useAutomaticVersion=true
We use Travis CI as automation server and Codecov for test coverage:
- On Push to any branch, to build the source code
- On Pull Requests to master, to build, test and execute the sonar analysis and upload the SNAPSHOT library to Nexus
- On Push to release branch (from master), to prepare and perform the release using gradle-release plugin automatically generating the changelog
Features and bug fixes are more than welcome. They must be linked to an issue, so the first step before contributing is the creation of a GitHub issue.
Apache 2.0