Serial and TCP CAN bus logger for Carloop
Reads CAN messages at 500 kbit and outputs them formatted as JSON to the USB Serial and a network port
To see the USB serial port dump, read the port with your favorite serial communication client. On Mac/Linux you can use cat or screen and PuTTY on Windows.
cat /dev/tty.usbmodem1411 (update for your port number)
To start the network server, call the function "startServer" on your device:
particle call my_carloop startServer
To get the IP address and port of the Carloop:
particle get my_carloop ip
particle get my_carloop port
You must be on the same WiFi network as the Carloop to be able to connect to the server. You can use telnet or PuTTY in raw mode to connect with the IP address and port from above:
telnet 9000
Use tee to save the data dump:
cat /dev/tty.usbmodem1411 | tee my_drive.log
telnet 9000 | tee my_drive.log
Copy this application to Particle Build and add the Carloop library
Copyright 2016 Julien Vanier
Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt for more details.