This package aims to be a python interface to the Canada Post Developer Program REST API (via HTTP Post requests with XML data)
It's a W.I.P. and any and all contributions are welcome.
Example usage
from canada_post import api, DEV, PROD
from canada_post.util.parcel import Parcel
from canada_post.util.address import Origin, Destination
cpa = api.CanadaPostAPI(customer_number, api_username, api_password,
contract_number, dev=DEV if DEBUG else PROD)
parcel = Parcel(weight=2, length=100, width=60, height=30)
origin = Origin(province=myprovince, address=myaddress, phone=myphone,
city=mycity, postal_code=myposcode, company=company_name)
dest = Destination(country_code=dest_code, postal_code=dest_pc, province=dest_prov,
city=dest_city, address=dest_address)
services = cpa.get_rates(parcel, origin, dest)
# this returns a list of Service objects, with a bunch of data, say you select the one you want
# from the list somehow
service = select_service(services)
# group_name is a string, it creates a shipment group, the whole group gets sent together,
# so if you need to send a bunch of parcels together, pass the same string as the group param
shipment = cpa.create_shipment(parcel, origin, dest, service, group_name)
print, shipment.status, shipment.tracking_pin
print shipment.links['label']
Plese notice that the API is less than stable yet (for example, the
interface that's been implemented is just for the Contract
Shipment service, so it should probably be under a sublayer something like
The links object is a dict of
rel -> { 'href':...,
(it could be different depending on the rel, see the response part of for details). A better solution for this might be created in the near future, I'll try to be very clear about any changes.
- 0.0.3-2: Changed name from create_shipping to create_shipment
- 0.0.4: created void_shipment service for contract shipping
- 0.0.4-1: bugfixes: error on super() call, and change VoidOrder's request method to DELETE