This draft paper describes some bad CHERI idioms we have encountered. The
directory gives executable examples of many of these bad idioms.
To run code examples on a CHERI emulator execute the following commands:
$ cd code
$ SSHPORT=<cheribsd port> make -f Makefile.<platform>-purecap copyexec-<benchmark>
For example, if you have a CHERI-BSD Morello emulator running on on
port 12345 and want to to run the privesc.c
code example:
$ SSHPORT=12345 make -f Makefile.morello-purecap copyexec-privesc
If you want to run all of the code examples in one go, use the all-copyexec
$ SSHPORT=12345 make -f Makefile.morello-purecap all-copyexec