Notes for common front-end / full-stack problems in interviews, covering:
- Common algorithms implementation in JavaScript,
- Design patterns, JavaScript basics,
- Node.js/Express basics,
- React/Redux/Flux basics,
- ES6 new features,
- Common code snippets in front end development
šCheck out my personal blog for a better experience:
- HTML/CSS/JavaScript interview preparation
- JS basics
- DOM basics
- Browser basics
- Negative Margin in Layout
- Write a Promise
- setTimeout vs setInterval
- Event Emitter
- React basics
- React Router v4
- Redux & Flux
- ES6
- Node.js basics
- Node & MySQL
- Express basics
- this & arrow function
- A way to Make an Efficient React Timer
- Authenication: JWT vs Session
- Create a Calculator- React
- Create a Calculator- Vanilla JS
- Animation using JS
- Ways of Creating Object in JS
- Auto-complete Implementation
- Common Algorithm Problems in JS
- Sorting Algorithms in JS
- Stack & Queue Implementation in JS
- Trie/Prefix Tree Implementation in JS
- Trie/Prefix Tree Implementation in Java
- Design Pattern - JS
- Binaray Search Variation
- Find 1st Bad Version
- Flatten an Nested Array
- Reposition Elements in an Array
- Search for a Symmetric Node
- Union Find to Achieve Max Tasks
- 2-Egg Pazzle