ArduinoButtons is an event driven library to control multiple buttons, It supports various wiring methods, debouncing and autorepeat.
*Multiple buttons conencted to one analog pin using resistor voltage divider
*Multiple buttons connected to MCP23S08 SPI port expander
*Multiple capacitive buttons conencted to one feed pin and multiple receive pins (TODO)
*Multiplex matrix buttons (TODO)
*Multiple buttons connected to multiple diginal pins with internal or external pullups (TODO)
*onKeyPress (with autorepeat)
*onHold (TODO)
AnalogButtons buttons(6, 836, 544, 368, 228, 80);
/***** EVENT HANDLERS ******/
void onKeyPress(uint8_t btn) {
//you pressed the button number btn
/***** SETUP ******/
void setup() {
buttons.onKeyPress = onKeyPress;
/***** LOOP ******/
void loop() {