- Sarvesh Shashidhar(24M2152)
- Ritik (24M2155)
- Ankish Chandresh(24M2163)
- Train a dim or vae model by running trainer.py script or trainVAE.py script respectively
- Once the model/encoder is trained train a classifier that uses representations from the model trained in step 1 as input
- Note the train and validation accuracy
DIM-Global refers to the setting where purely Global Mutual Information maximisation is performed
python trainer.py --alpha=1 --beta=0 --gamma=0 --epochs=50 --batch-size=128
DIM-Global refers to the setting where purely Local Mutual Information maximisation is performed
python trainer.py --alpha=0 --beta=1 --gamma=0 --epochs=50 --batch-size=128
python trainVAE.py
Set model flag as 'vae' for using a VAE model as feature vector and set it to 'dim' for using Deep Infomax feature vector for final classification downstream task
python classifier.py --epochs=200 --lr=0.01 --batch_size=128 --model='vae'
Learning deep representations by mutual information estimation and maximization
Causal models on probability spaces
What Makes for Good Views for Contrastive Learning?
Analyzing Inverse Problems with Invertible Neural Networks
A Simple Framework for Contrastive Learning of Visual Representations