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Releases: canjs/can-stache-element

Test organization for CanJS production

24 Jun 17:39
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This release hasn't a new feature, just tests organization in order to make canjs production tests.

Observable class fields support

12 Jun 19:23
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  • Add observable class fields support:
class MyElement extends StacheElement {
		greetings = 'Hello';
                static get view() { return `{{ greetings }}` }
		static get props() {
customElements.define('my-element', MyElement);

const el = new MyElement().initialize();
el.on('greeting', (ev, newVal, oldVal) => {
    // it should be observable, handle change here
el.greeting = 'Hola';
  • Observable class fields support documentation


Import `can` package in docs

26 Nov 17:10
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Use can package in documentation instead of can/everything:

import { StacheElement } from "can/everything"; -> import { StacheElement } from "can";



08 Oct 21:31
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Add StacheElement to can-namespace

This patch release adds StacheElement to can-namespace so it is available on the global can object.

New package makes it easy to build web components

04 Oct 17:11
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This is the first major release of can-stache-element, a library for building web components. StacheElement is like a new, better, version of can-component with an ES6 backed API.

import { StacheElement } from "can";

class HelloWorld extends StacheElement {
  static view = `Hello {{name}}`;

  static props = {
    name: "world"

customElements.define("hello-world", HelloWorld);

Fixed some links in the docs

17 Jul 19:13
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Initial Release

17 Jul 19:12
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class Basic extends StacheElement {
    static view = `
        <in-put inputValue:bind="this.first" handler:from="this.setFirst"></in-put>
        <in-put inputValue:bind="this.last" handler:from="this.setLast"></in-put>

    static props = {
        first: { type: String, default: "Kevin" },
        last: { type: String, default: "McCallister" }

    get fullName() {
        return `${this.first} ${this.last}`;

    setFirst(val) {
        this.first = val;

    setLast(val) {
        this.last = val;
customElements.define("basic-app", Basic);



16 Jul 15:48
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Add @Package so the GitHub & npm badges show up in the docs 1202828

Properties with DOM events warnings fix

09 Jul 20:30
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Fixes uses of listenTo

09 Jul 16:05
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listenTo was breaking due to the change to have addEventListener register real DOM events. This fixes it so that both DOM events and canjs' internal event handler system are registered.