This proxy service can receive long-term running jobs via its REST endpoint and forward to internal services. Submitted jobs progresses can be retrieved via an API endpoint to check whether they complete.
REST APIs are protected by user/password authentication and access tokens
mvn spring-boot:run
mvn package
Run the distribution
java -jar target/integration-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Create access token by login using basic authentication
- Request
curl -u user:password http://localhost:8080/accesstoken
The bootstrapped account name is 'user' with password is 'password'.
- Response:
Access tokens will expire after 10 minutes.
Submit a binary file for processing
- Request
curl --form file=@./my-cv.doc http://localhost:8080/submit?access_token=vmghl0cd17dpdliknujks3s8al
- Response
Query a processing task
- Request
curl localhost:8080/retrieve/b7f2bb75-e8ac-4fec-831b-0d092f9b2b16?access_token=vmghl0cd17dpdliknujks3s8al
- Response
{"id":"b7f2bb75-e8ac-4fec-831b-0d092f9b2b16","state":"COMPLETED","fileName":"my-cv.doc","result":"dummy result"}