This is the final project for Cornell CS3110 - Data Structures and Functional Programming. This repo belongs to Canal Li, Thomas Cui and Canwen Zhang. This project partially adapts from examples in PyTorch Ocaml binding:
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install pkg-config libffi-dev zlib1g-dev imagemagick
opam install torch ANSITerminal
For MS3, we now enable to use different VGG models. Download the pretrained weights from:
and save the file in folder /resources
make launch
Content image can be any image (should be smaller than 1k otherwise likely out of memory)
- Here use cornell
as an example
Style image should be any image (should be smaller than 1k otherwise likely out of memory)
- Here use starry
as an example
Pre-trained model can be any vgg models, but currently Ocaml Torch only provides vgg16.ot
and vgg19.ot
for downloads
-layers_style_loss [2,10,14,21,28]
-layers_content_loss [21]
-style_weight 9e5
-learning_rate 8e-2
-total_steps 80
We will update this list as soon as we add more pretrained models
-k 5
-sigma 0.75
All of the flags are optional. To specify a flag value, use -flag value
. The flags not specified will use the default values. What we generated in MS1 is an "artwork". What we generated in MS2 is a "picture". The differences are explained in our progress report.
The output artwork is in /data/output
The gif for correspond artwork is in /data/output