This projects you a start point for building a client and a server that communicates with gRPC. I also published a blog article series if you are interested.
brew instal protobuf
Go plugins for the protobuf compiler or refer here
make install
# Note: since we are not using TLS all the calls are with -plaintext flag
grpcurl -plaintext localhost:8080 list # introspect the service
grpcurl -plaintext localhost:8080 Inventory.GetBookList # to get a list of books
Generate Go stubs
make gen
Clean stubs
make clean
- VS Code complains about imports?
Known issue with the Proto3 VS Code plugin. Add the following to your settings.json
"protoc": {
"path": "/path/to/protoc",
"compile_on_save": false,
"options": [
Run which protoc
to find your proto compiler path.
- Auto formatter doesn't work?
brew install clang-format
Add the following to your settings.json
// ...
"editor.formatOnSave": true
// ...