The aim of this group is to get practice with programming questions (like those found on LeetCode or HackerRank) and to apply these skills to programming competitions throughout the semester/year, such as
- Google Code Jam
- Google Kickstart
- UQCS Code Jam (!)
- Advent of Code
and (potentially) also team-based competitions, such as
- ICPC (International Collegiate Programming Contest).
We meet on a weekly basis to discuss and work through challenging and interesting programming problems, gaining some valuable experience for technical interviews along the way!
Here you will find links to CPG sessions and notes from past years/semesters:
- Competitive Programming Handbook which lists a lot of common topics, and also suitable for someone who has just started with C++.
- A website with a bunch of algorithms for competitions.
- Competitive programming course at NUS. From this link you can get access to a bunch of Kattis problem sets for various topics.
- Codeforces’ Gym, which is a place that has many ICPC problem sets from regions around the world. If we need team practice for ICPC, I reckon this is a very good place.
- Team notebooks: KTH, Stanford
- If we want to construct our own team notebook later on, we can use this website to check the correctness of our code.
- Geometry for Competitive Programming book by V. Lecomte.