This application may be used in conjunction with a proxy request manipulator like Fiddler to emulate reponses from the AWS instance meta data service. Use this to debug locally any application which depends on intance meta data.
The reponses are completely configurable via a json file. The app does not have to be restarted after changed to this file.
The application is run as an Owin self hosted web listener, listening on The port is configurable.
##Setting up Fiddler
In order to redirect the requests from you must configure a proxy service, I recommend Fiddler2. Goto Tools->Hosts and add the following line:
##Configuring the response
A json text file, metadata.json, may be placed in the executable directory or any parent. Below is a sample.
"latest": {
"meta-data": {
"instance-id": "mock-instance-id",
"spot": {
"termination-time": "2015-01-07 00:00:00"
##Related blog post
Ec2spotstop2sns on Cosmik Debris.