In this repository, you will find a variety of data science projects covering a wide range of topics, such as:
- Machine Learning: Projects that involve the development and deployment of machine learning models for tasks like classification, regression, and clustering.
- Data Visualisation: Projects that focus on visualising data to gain insights and tell compelling stories through graphs, charts, and interactive dashboards.
- Natural Language Processing (NLP): Projects that deal with text data, including sentiment analysis, text classification, and language generation.
- Time Series Analysis: Projects that explore time-dependent data, forecasting, and anomaly detection.
- Big Data and Distributed Computing: Projects that leverage big data technologies like Apache Spark or Hadoop for large-scale data analysis.
Each project in this repository follows a consistent structure for organisation:
- Contains detailed information about the project, including its objectives, data sources, methodology, and results.
code/: Houses the codebase for the project. This directory is typically organised into subdirectories, each corresponding to a specific stage of the data science pipeline (e.g., data preprocessing, model development, and evaluation).
data/: Contains the dataset(s) used in the project. In some cases, due to large file sizes, the data may be stored externally with instructions on how to obtain it.
notebooks/: If Jupyter notebooks are used in the project, they will be stored here for easy exploration and experimentation.
images/: Contains images and visualisations generated during the project. These visuals help in understanding the data and results.
We welcome contributions from the data science community! If you have a data science project that you'd like to share or if you'd like to improve an existing project in this repository, please follow these steps:
Fork this repository to your GitHub account.
Create a new branch for your project or changes.
Make your contributions, including adding or modifying projects, improving documentation, or fixing issues.
Submit a pull request with a clear description of your changes.
Your contribution will be reviewed, and if it meets the project's guidelines, it will be merged into the repository.
Please ensure that your contributions adhere to the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct.